Kandee Johnson, what a inspiration this girl is. Kandee has 3 beautiful children works non-stop on videos, blogging, her actual job and then her little people. From day one on watching Ms. Kandee Johnson, I feel in love with her personality........ OMG she is too funny sometimes. She could be having the worst day in the world but that smile is always showing from ear-to-ear. She has the most kindest words to say to everyone no matter who you are, you could probably be her worst enemie and she would still say "Have a fantastic day" with a big smile......lol After watching her video "My Story" on youtube you will truly understand her, about everything from her past relationships, her feelings that all of us are scared to admit we have, her kids, how she started living her dream and finding what makes her happy and how she got to where she is today. (Here's her video below)
She went through a really hard time recently where there was stuff published about her that was all lies. Some of the comments and accusations that people made about her was so hurtful, people that didn't even know her from a hole in the ground all of a sudden knew everything about her. People can be so mean, but Kandee took it and brushed it off and still made her videos for her true fans. I will not discuss the story and the article because it was all untrue.
Kandee you are an inspiration to all women across the world, and you truly make a difference
I am 24 years, I live in Woodstock,Ontario. So recently my braiding hair has really picked up, and i'm starting to have a passion for make-up since watching Kandee Johnson, so starting off small and working to getting big............ I guess we will see what happens
thank you!!!! i am so honored you wrote about me....love you....kandee